Off to university? Why widening participation is important
Another set of A Level results came out today. That means another cohort of students are thinking about the next step in their path to success.
Or is it that simple?
A socially mobile Britain
The government’s social mobility commission found earlier this year that inequality in Britain is now entrenched ‘from birth to work’. Entry into professional occupations is largely dependent on parents’ careers. We also know that university admissions are a significant determinant of occupation and future income. Thus, increasing access to these top universities is an effective way to increase social mobility in modern Britain, as well as increase the variety of people in top professions. This is why we at OxFizz work to help disadvantaged students with their university applications.
Not only do students need competitively high grades to get into Oxford or Cambridge, but the admissions process itself can be daunting and off putting for those who have academic potential but difficult personal circumstances. This represents an untapped pool of talent that these academic institutions could be benefitting from, as well as a disaster for social mobility. OxFizz’s role in this process is to unmask the complicated process that is an Oxbridge application. Through our access programme, we provide support for the admissions tests, interviews and submitted essays that are required of applicants to Oxford or Cambridge as part of our access programme.
Take a look at our admissions programme stats:
How is this support organised?
We provide this support in conjunction with our partners (The Access Project, Target Oxbridge, Villiers Park, Ark, or Into University). Think you might be eligible or know someone who is? We’d encourage you to click through to our partner organisations and get in contact with them for the chance to receive academic or career support.
If you have graduated from Oxford or Cambridge, and would like to help us achieve our mission, get involved with OxFizzas a volunteer or have a look at our calendar for the upcoming admissions season. Volunteering with us is a great addition to your CV, and leaves you with a sense of perspective and purpose. There are few causes more rewarding than helping a young person to better their future in ways that they might otherwise have been unable to achieve. Volunteers also sign up to re-engage with their university subjects, which can feel a distant memory once they enter the working world.
Last year we provided 1609 hours of support to sixth form students – triple that of previous years. In 2019, our aim is double that number again, providing over 3000 hours of support to talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Not convinced? You can read more reasons to volunteer with us here.
Sign up to be a volunteer today!
“It was really helpful to speak to a graduate who has been through the process”